Bentley Descartes CONNECT Edition

Snap Element tool settings




Defines the snapping method:

  • Lowest Point - find the lowest point in the search cylinder and move the vertex element to the point location.

  • Highest Point - find the highest point in the search cylinder and move the vertex element to the point location.

  • Lowest Depth - find the lowest point in the search cylinder and move the vertex element to be at the same depth (along the Snap Direction) as the found point.

  • Highest Depth - find the highest point in the search cylinder and move the vertex element to be at the same depth (along the Direction) as the found point.

  • Average Depth - compute the average depth along the direction of all the points inside the search cylinder and move the element vertex to the computed depth.

  • Median Depth - compute the median depth along the direction of all the points inside the search cylinder and move the element vertex to the computed depth.


Specifies the direction of the search area defined by a cylinder (cylinder axis is parallel to the direction).

Output Level

Select the Level where the snapped element will be placed.

Select From Element to place the snapped element on the same level as the input element.


Specifies the radius of the search area (cylinder).

Tip: Dynamically measure on the reality model by clicking the Measure icon.


Specifies the height of the search area (cylinder).

Tip: Dynamically measure on the reality model by clicking on the Measure icon.

Keep Original

Keeps the original snapping element.

Use All Reality Models

Use all attached reality models during processing.

Add Vertices

Allows you to add vertices on the initial element.


Sets the distance between each vertices after addition of vertices.

Tip: Dynamically measure on the reality model by clicking on the Measure icon.

Move New Vertices Only

Only automatically generated vertices are moved. Initial vertices created by the user are kept intact.


Applies a generalization algorithm to reduce the number of points on the produced draped element.

Douglas Peucker – a well known algorithm to reduce the points on a curve while keeping within a tolerance.

Stream Parameter: Uses the four MicroStation stream parameters to perform generalization. See the MicroStation reference guide for details.


A value in master units that will be applied to the generalization process.

Tip: Dynamically measure on the reality model by clicking on the Measure icon.